Five Years in the Making
Right as I was packing my boxes to move to yet another apartment, I had a stark realization: I had way too much stuff to box up. I had moved about every two years or so on average and each time we’d leave many things packed up in the garage and we’d simply re-buy what we needed when the time came. This cycle kept continuing on for almost a decade until I couldn’t tell you how many items we had duplicates of. I thought to myself “I wish I had a yard so I could hold a tag sale”.
Years went on and the cycle continued. I tried Craigslist and other online sites and had mild success, but it didn’t make sense for all the small items we had. Nobody was going to drive across the state to get a $5 toy or kitchen gadget. Selling on eBay was easy enough, but I would literally lose money after shipping and fees. Surely there was a better way to go about selling smaller items.
Then it hit me. By starting my own online store, independent of large corporations, I could offer any item I wanted to no matter how small, inexpensive or niche. By offering weight-based shipping options, I could input the actual weights of items and customers could choose to buy as many or as few items as they want and pay the actual shipping costs. I could simultaneously remove unnecessary (but perfectly working) items from my home, pick up some spare cash and have money to buy other things that I needed.
In this way I could sustain my many hobbies: video games, anime watching, figure collections, etc. while keeping a rotating selection of items. Items wouldn't have time to collect dust anymore because they would be well packaged, organized and categorized. Thus, "All I Own" was born (AIO for short).
I hope you like this store as it's something really special to me. It will take time to list items as they will be photographed, packed and listed one by one, but over time the item selection will grow greatly. By avoiding seller fees of the major websites, I can offer reasonable shipping fees and our items will be truly special. If you have any feedback, suggestions or ideas feel free to send them my way ^_^.